Sunday, January 19, 2014

EDLD 5366 - Manuscript Reflection - Week 1

Click to see Henry VIII's Psalter

This manuscript, created for King Henry VIII, was colorfully illustrated. All four principles of design are represented in this particular sample. Contrast can be found in the use of color in the illustrations. Light colors offset by darker colors bring the viewers attention to specific parts of the pictures. Another example of this design element is the use of colorful, decorative capital letters at the beginning of each verse contrasts with the smaller, black characters of the remainder. These are repeated throughout the manuscript. Repetition is found in the use of rotating ornamental graphics placed at the end of the verses. These are used to fill in the empty space at the end of the verse to insure the lines all end on the right-hand margin. Examples of the final element, proximity, are the illustrations that are placed beside specific verses to bring attention to the message. This manuscript was bound in red velvet with silver-guilt corner pieces and clasp demonstrating the importance of this document.

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