Sunday, March 17, 2013

Details, Details, Details

This week as brought out the old adage of the devil is in the details….when setting up an Action Research Project if you ignore the small details your whole project can suffer down the road.  While drafting my plan one thing that really stood out to me was the need to be very careful to check for biases.  This is something that I believe we can get easily interfere with our research if we are not careful.  I believe everyone has their own way of thinking, and likes to do things the way they feel is best, and data can be used to support that.  We must be sure our data within projects such as these does not become skewed to support what we want, but to support the true results.  With an Action Research Project there are an abundant opportunities to focus on details, have more checks and balances, and more validity of data gathered.  I will definitely put this new knowledge to good use.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Week 3 - Action Research Plan

As part of the week 3 assignment, we were to generate our action research plan. My action research topic addresses the academic readiness of students who failed the 8th grade STAAR tests (Math or Reading) for advancement into the 9th grade.

Tool 7.1 - Action Planning Template
To determine if current freshmen who would not have been promoted grade levels under the SSI - Student Success Initiative (students who failed 8th grade Math or Reading TAKS tests) were academically ready for their promotion despite failing either the Math or Reading STAAR tests. 
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Pull & Analyze 8th grade STAAR results of all current year Freshmen at Shepton High School
Chad Hurst
March 2013
SAS data program, Excel Spreadsheet of Collected Data
Determine which Students only achieved Level I rankings
Create list of students who will be the subject of the study
Chad Hurst
March 2013
Excel Spreadsheet
Survey the teachers of these students, searching for their opinions on students ability, readiness, effort, and attitude
Chad Hurst
May 2013
Spreadsheet of answers/results for each answer set
Collect all grades earned throughout the full school year for each student on the list
Chad Hurst
June 2013
PISD Pinnacle Gradebook, Excel
Create sortable spreadsheet of data
Analyze all data to determine the success of these students through the year
Chad Hurst
July – August 2013
All Created Spreadsheets
Look at STAAR results as compared to teacher opinions and class success
Pull these students 2013 STAAR results
Chad Hurst
August – September 2013
SAS data program, Excel Spreadsheet of Collected Data
Determine which Students only achieved Level I rankings
Compare the students data and see how they fared from one year to the next on the STAAR tests
Chad Hurst
September 2013
Excel Spreadsheets
Report Findings


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 2 - Reflections

This week was an eye opening week to the importance and uses of Action Research.  Hearing how a few others have used action research to improve their situations and then seeing all of the examples in Chapter Two of the Dana test (The Passions That Drive Your Journey), I have realized that action research is all around us.  There are a wide range of issues that can be covered and with the right research you can really improve your school.  From staffing concerns and development, to student performance and discipline, and even community culture and social issues; action research can provide clarity in all sorts of issues.

In looking at all of the different ideas that my Lamar classmates have chosen for their Action Research projects, it just furthers my realization that Action Research is limited simply by your imagination.  Basically if you can think of a problem or concern and are willing to put in the time and work, then you can research and find your best solution.

Patience and diligence is are key to Action Research AND are also a very important tool for a successful Administrator. 

The Principal's BLOG

For a principal a blog can be a very effective tool create and keep a school community.  By putting out school happenings, agendas, schedules, or ideas the principal can alert everyone to what is going on with the school, and can accept feedback on the success of an event.  A blog is a good way for a principal to be more reachable and more in touch with the students and their families, while still being professional and fulfilling their duty to their school.  A way for the community to stay connected and be connected.

The blog is a valuable tool of the 21st century principal.