Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 2 - Reflections

This week was an eye opening week to the importance and uses of Action Research.  Hearing how a few others have used action research to improve their situations and then seeing all of the examples in Chapter Two of the Dana test (The Passions That Drive Your Journey), I have realized that action research is all around us.  There are a wide range of issues that can be covered and with the right research you can really improve your school.  From staffing concerns and development, to student performance and discipline, and even community culture and social issues; action research can provide clarity in all sorts of issues.

In looking at all of the different ideas that my Lamar classmates have chosen for their Action Research projects, it just furthers my realization that Action Research is limited simply by your imagination.  Basically if you can think of a problem or concern and are willing to put in the time and work, then you can research and find your best solution.

Patience and diligence is are key to Action Research AND are also a very important tool for a successful Administrator. 

1 comment:

  1. I came to the same realization as I read this week! I realized that I had the total wrong idea when I thought of action research. I pictured writing this long research paper over some boring topic. I see now that it is a great problem solving tool for all kinds of issues on campus and that it really can make life better for all involved. I am glad to have this experience in action research in order to be a better principal.
