Sunday, March 17, 2013

Details, Details, Details

This week as brought out the old adage of the devil is in the details….when setting up an Action Research Project if you ignore the small details your whole project can suffer down the road.  While drafting my plan one thing that really stood out to me was the need to be very careful to check for biases.  This is something that I believe we can get easily interfere with our research if we are not careful.  I believe everyone has their own way of thinking, and likes to do things the way they feel is best, and data can be used to support that.  We must be sure our data within projects such as these does not become skewed to support what we want, but to support the true results.  With an Action Research Project there are an abundant opportunities to focus on details, have more checks and balances, and more validity of data gathered.  I will definitely put this new knowledge to good use.

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