Friday, March 15, 2013

Week 3 - Action Research Plan

As part of the week 3 assignment, we were to generate our action research plan. My action research topic addresses the academic readiness of students who failed the 8th grade STAAR tests (Math or Reading) for advancement into the 9th grade.

Tool 7.1 - Action Planning Template
To determine if current freshmen who would not have been promoted grade levels under the SSI - Student Success Initiative (students who failed 8th grade Math or Reading TAKS tests) were academically ready for their promotion despite failing either the Math or Reading STAAR tests. 
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Pull & Analyze 8th grade STAAR results of all current year Freshmen at Shepton High School
Chad Hurst
March 2013
SAS data program, Excel Spreadsheet of Collected Data
Determine which Students only achieved Level I rankings
Create list of students who will be the subject of the study
Chad Hurst
March 2013
Excel Spreadsheet
Survey the teachers of these students, searching for their opinions on students ability, readiness, effort, and attitude
Chad Hurst
May 2013
Spreadsheet of answers/results for each answer set
Collect all grades earned throughout the full school year for each student on the list
Chad Hurst
June 2013
PISD Pinnacle Gradebook, Excel
Create sortable spreadsheet of data
Analyze all data to determine the success of these students through the year
Chad Hurst
July – August 2013
All Created Spreadsheets
Look at STAAR results as compared to teacher opinions and class success
Pull these students 2013 STAAR results
Chad Hurst
August – September 2013
SAS data program, Excel Spreadsheet of Collected Data
Determine which Students only achieved Level I rankings
Compare the students data and see how they fared from one year to the next on the STAAR tests
Chad Hurst
September 2013
Excel Spreadsheets
Report Findings



  1. Looks good. You are gonna be busy! What an interesting subject for your project. Good luck!

  2. Great topic. Great organization also. Looks good to me. Will there be a presentation of your findings? Who will you present it to? Good luck.

  3. This is a big project and needed! I am a middle school teacher and I wonder how that works out for students who get passed along to high school. I am curious to know about your results.

  4. This research will have interesting results. Especially when looking at STAAR results vs. teacher opinions and classroom success. Your work is well organized. Good Job on the template.

  5. First of all, thank you for posting on my site. Your subject is a touchy one. I know that in my district, we have those teachers that are absolute that if students do not pass criteria, like those you mentioned, should not be advanced. I am not sure about basing something that important on just a few scores. Not moving a student on to the next grade when they are ready in every other aspect can have damaging effects. I really like your topic.

    1. Thanks for the comment. You are very right that just basing advancement on one test is really scary as there are many kids who don't test well. One provision in the old SSI was that if these kids who failed were unanimously voted on by a committee of their teachers they could still advance even if they failed these tests. I'm interested to see what I find with this, are these kids ready or are we just ushering them along?
